Una settimana memorabile!
Ho seguito le lezioni mentre stavo a Palermo solo per 4 giorni e valevano assolutamente la pena. Vittoria è moto colta, chiara in lezione e gentilissima!
La scuola propone piena di attività, ho partecipato alla passeggiata della città e la gita a Monreale, che fortuna!
Spero di venire più lungo a Palermo la prossima volta, sono 100% sicura di ritornare a Culturforum!
Grazie per tutto!
Keiko Inoue - Google
Warm atmosphere
I spent three weeks learning Italian at Culturforum in June 2024. Classes are organized in small groups and the atmosphere is generally very warm and welcoming. The teachers encourage learning by speaking based on relevant topics and interesting materials. They are very professional, competent and considerate; they helped me improve my Italian but also gave me a lot of advice and information on Sicily. I would definitely go to this school again.
Jelica B. - Google
Non vedo l'ora di tornare!
Che bella esperienza ho vissuto con i professori e gli altri studenti: ascolto, adattamento al livello di ciascuno, gentilezza, cultura.
Ho davvero fatto progressi.
Non vedo l'ora di tornare !
Véronique - Google
Die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sind sehr nett und kompetent
Ich habe im März mit meiner Frau eine Woche Sprachkurs im Kulturforum gemacht und bin ganz begeistert. Die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sind sehr nett, hilfsbereit und kompetent. Man lernt auch in einer solchen, vergleichsweise kurzen Zeit viel und es macht auch noch Spaß. Auch das Beiprogramm am Nachmittag ist gut, unterhaltsam und auch noch lehrreich. Rundum also fünf Punkte und danke an Euch alle!
Rabennest - Google
Quelle belle experience!
Quelle belle experience, une equipe hors pair, ou la conversation est mis de l'avant! Grazie a tutti!
Danielle - Facebook
Ho imparato un sacco!!!
Ho imparato un sacco!!!
Grazie a tutte le professoresse e alla loro pazienza.
Mi piacerebbe ritornare per imparare di più.
Ceci B. - Google
The school has a wonderful vibe
I spent a wonderful week learning Italian and enjoying some cultural activities with the students and teachers at Culturforum. The staff and teachers are really kind and the school has a wonderful vibe. The location is very convenient and Palermo is an amazing city. I can’t wait to go back again and visit my friends at Culturforum!
Stephen - Google
Teachers are excellent and very patient
Teachers are excellent and very patient. Good choice of activities in the afternoons and evenings. School is situated in the heart of Cefalù. I have been to many language schools across Italy and Culturforum is the best.
Annie - Facebook
Everything was made easy
I was great taking the Italian lessons there. I started as a complete beginner and loved the time with my/our teacher, and also the students were great. Loved to hang out with them during my stay. Everything was made easy; cause communication with the school, dealing with questions and wishes was great and clear! They organize weekly social programs that help to connect and explore the city if you are traveling alone. Would definitely recommend the school and might come back :)
Regina K. - Google
Mein Sprachkurs im März hat nicht nur viel Spaß gemacht, ich glaube, es hat auch etwas gebracht. Es wurde in der Kleingruppe viel Wert auf Anwendung und Dialog gelegt. Tipptopp!
Maren Groothuis - Google
Auch ich kann die Schule nur empfehlen
Auch ich kann die Schule nur empfehlen: die LehrerInnen sind alle sehr freundlich, hilfsbereit und engagiert. Der Mix aus Vokabeln, Grammatik, miteinander Reden, voneinander lernen war perfekt! Die Bedürfnisse der Lernenden wurden immer wahrgenommen und trotz unterschiedlicher Lerngeschwindigkeit waren alle am Ende rundum zufrieden. Die Möglichkeit zu gemeinsamen Unternehmungen am Nachmittag bereicherte den Aufenthalt. Grazie mille!
Heike Seelig - Google
I will come back!
You know a customer is satisfied if he/she comes back; I will come back later this year.
Went here for 4 weeks and learned a lot. :)
Chris Taudien - Google
Eine wunderbare Erfahrung und wirklich empfehlenswert
Culturforum Palermo - eine wunderbare Erfahrung und wirklich empfehlenswert. Professionell, man wird individuell betreut, die Organisation ist top und alle Lehrenden sehr kompetent und darauf bedacht, dass man Fortschritte macht. Vermitteln Sprache UND Kultur: con grande gentilezza … Danke!
Angelika W. - Google