Metodo di insegnamento | Culturforum

Culturforum Italian Language School in Palermo

Teaching method

The way we teach Italian

Active partecipation

For our Italian school in Palermo, the Italian language is not just a system of rules, but a means of communicating, understanding and expressing yourself.

For this reason, at Culturforum you will be speaking Italian from the first lesson, gaining confidence, learning to master the language and enhancing your capacity for oral expression and comprehension. You will learn how the language is used in real life and in everyday situations.

In our Italian courses we adopt as a teaching method a global approach that actively involves students promoting interaction in the classroom, while taking into account their specific needs, their pace of learning and aptitude for learning the italian language.

Immersione nella Lingua | Culturforum

Language Immersion

To immerse the student in the language and the culture of the country, its colours, its tastes and its smells, in all its diversity and uniqueness.

Stili di apprendimento | Culturforum

Learning Style

To think about and use different styles of learning in order to exploit students’ varied modes of comprehension and understanding — and to fit them closely to the needs of participants.

Lessico e grammatica | Culturforum

Vocabulary and grammar

To treat vocabulary and grammar as categories which are indissolubly connected, rather than the traditional view, which sees conversation and grammar as unconnected elements of the language, to be dealt with separately

Sviluppare abilità | Culturforum

Developing Skills

To challenge the students to exploit their own powers of intuition and deduction, enabling them to develop the necessary skills and put them to immediate use.

Lingua come sistema | Culturforum

Language system

To treat the language as an organic system, designing study courses that recognise the many complexities that are always an integral part of any communication

Studente protagonista | Culturforum

Active partecipation

To see the student as an active participant in the learning process, involving them personally as a researcher/ explorer of their own knowledge

Imparare la Lingua Italiana | Culturforum

Learning Italian Language

Successful language study doesn’t depend solely on the ability of the teacher and the motivation of the students. We also need to take into account three variables:

  • The student profile: who are the students who come to our Italian courses? What is their previous experience and their competence?
  • The real needs of the participants: what are their strong points and their weaknesses? Which of their abilities need development?
  • The teaching materials and how to use them:  how can we construct a course that will respond to the real demands of the group?

To achieve all this, we have chosen a flexible structure for our courses: the choice of the teaching method and materials takes account of these variables to best respond to the demands of different groups and the individuals within each group.

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Culturforum | Scuola di Lingua Italiana a Palermo