Advanced Italian Course for Interpreters | Culturforum

Italian course for Professionals

Advanced Italian Course for Interpreters

This advanced Italian course is designed to provide interpreters in European institutions with the language skills to successfully meet the challenges posed by their profession.

The course is designed to provide interpreters of European Institutions, who already work with Italian or who wish to add it to their language combination, with the linguistic and socio-political-cultural skills necessary to successfully face the challenges of their profession.

The main goal of the course is to improve the understanding of the Italian language (and active production if required) while also expanding the knowledge of Italian realities, which is fundamental for correct interpretation and full comprehension of the subjects being translated. The central theme of the lessons is contemporary Italian affairs, presented through authentic audio-visual material (television broadcasts, parliamentary debates, documentaries, newspapers, magazines, official documents) related to the topics of interest to each interpreter.

Course Content
    • Language and Communication: Advanced study of morphosyntactic structures. Expansion of specific vocabulary related to various political, economic and legal sectors of interest to the interpreter (Law, Fishing, Agriculture, Environment, topics dealt with by the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, and other EU institutions. Special attention to linguistic nuances (typical expressions, regionalisms, proverbs, Latin phrases, etc.) and the various regional accents of the Italian language.
    • Legal and Institutional Context: Study of legal terminology. Understanding of the Italian institutional and administrative organization
    • Italian History, Politics, Culture, and Society: In-depth exploration of Italian politics, culture, and society, both past and present. Overview of the main current topics and the dynamics that have shaped modern Italy and contributed to defining Italian identity and its role in the international context.
    • Interpretation Practice: Practical exercises to improve the ability to interpret speeches, conferences, and debates in various contexts, both formal and informal

The course adopts an interactive methodology, combining theoretical lessons, practical exercises, and the use of multimedia resources. The approach focuses on the active participation of students to maximize their learning and enhance the linguistic skills necessary to successfully perform the role of interpreters.

Course Duration

The course can last two or four weeks, with the possibility of extension upon request. Classes are held from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.


Upon completion of the course, interpreters will receive a certificate of participation.


See all courses for professionals

schedule 20 hours per week
schedule 10 hours one to one
clock_loader_60 1 hour = 60 minutes
event_available All year around
calendar_month Start every monday
groups Max 8 students per class group
diversity_3 Average student per class: 4/5
school All language levels from beginners A1 to proficient C2

NB: in groups with fewer than five students the hours are reduced to 15hrs a week; with one student per class they are reduced to 10hrs a week.

1 week
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2 weeks
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3 weeks
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4 weeks
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Extra week
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Enrolment Fee: €30

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